Bank of Ann Arbor Routing Number: 072413735 Bank of Ann Arbor SWIFT BIC: ANNAUS33 Bank of Ann Arbor NMLS ID: 718852
How can we help you? Whether you're opening your first checking account, taking out a loan, or buying a new car, we've got your back with personal banking solutions designed to fit your life.
You need to devote your energies to the health and growth of your business. We'll help with the financial resources and tools to fuel it.
You work hard to accumulate wealth for your family's needs. We'll help you with retirement and sharing it with loved ones or a favorite charity.
Our mission is helping our communities thrive through our time, effort, financial resources, and making our customers our top priority.
Fraud and scams are ever changing. Take these three simple steps to better protect yourself.
Alerts are a convenient way to monitor transaction activity and take action when needed. See how to turn on alerts.
Click here to learn about the signs and test your scam detection skills.
Freezing reports is an easy way to help prevent someone else from benefiting from your great credit scores.
You'll need to freeze your credit report with Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion to maximize your protection.
Creating an account with each bureau and freezing your credit reports may seem daunting, but it's a lot easier than recovering from fraudulently opened accounts in your name.
Financial institutions, credit card companies, and lenders may use one or all three agencies when verifying your identity or credit history and credit scores. When a credit report is frozen, the respective credit bureau won't share your credit score or history with the companies inquiring. This helps prevent someone from getting approved for a loan or credit card in your name.
You may need to temporarily unfreeze your credit reports when applying for a loan, credit card, or opening an account with a financial institution.
For Bank of Ann Arbor customers, you will need to unfreeze your credit reports when:
Each credit bureau allows you to freeze and unfreeze your credit report at any time. Temporarily unfreezing a credit report allows you to schedule when the report is unfrozen and refrozen.
Simply login to the account created when freezing your credit report at each bureau to unfreeze/freeze them.