Bank of Ann Arbor Routing Number: 072413735 Bank of Ann Arbor SWIFT BIC: ANNAUS33 Bank of Ann Arbor NMLS ID: 718852
How can we help you? Whether you're opening your first checking account, taking out a loan, or buying a new car, we've got your back with personal banking solutions designed to fit your life.
You need to devote your energies to the health and growth of your business. We'll help with the financial resources and tools to fuel it.
You work hard to accumulate wealth for your family's needs. We'll help you with retirement and sharing it with loved ones or a favorite charity.
Our mission is helping our communities thrive through our time, effort, financial resources, and making our customers our top priority.
Bank of Ann Arbor offers a number of sound personal investment products including CDs and IRAs to help meet your long-range financial goals.
CDs offer the benefits of savings accounts, with the added peace of mind of fixed rates for a specific period.
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Substantial penalties are incurred on all CD options if any part of the original deposit is withdrawn before the date of maturity.
We offer Traditional and Roth IRAs for your retirement investments. Non-FDIC insured investments are also available through our licensed Investment Officers. Learn More